Lymphoedema of the upper limb, Heavy legs, Varicose veins and varicose ulcers, Lymphatic insufficiency, Chronic edema of the lower limbs, Raynaud’s syndrome, Phlebitis sequelae, Hemorrhoids, Venous thrombosis and sequelae, Vascular disorders of the extremities, Venous insufficiency.
- Single bath
- Running water bath
- Bath with immersion shower
- Bath with gas insufflation
- General shower
- General jet shower
- Local shower
- Limb spraying
- Walking corridor
- Massages under water or its derivatives
- Thermal compresses
- Thermal water wraps
- Lymphoedema local shower
PH1 | PH2 | PH3 |
72 sessions | 54 sessions | 63 sessions |
No acts kinés. | 18 physiotherapy procedures. individual | 9 physiotherapy procedures. individual |
Arthrosis, Degenerative and inflammatory rheumatism, Musculoskeletal disorders, Osteoporosis, Lumbago, Back pain, Sciatica, Tendonitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Sequelae of trauma or surgery, Chronic tendon inflammation, Fibromyalgia syndrome, Joint stiffness, Gonarthrosis.
- Running water bath
- Bath with gas insufflation
- General jet shower
- Local shower
- Swimming pool immersion shower
- Penetrating shower
- High-pressure shower
- Local hand mud bath
- Single local incision
- Multiple local incisions
- General incisions
- Medicinal pool
- Active pool
- Underwater massage or its derivatives
RH1 | RH3 |
72 sessions | 63 sessions | No acts kinés. | 9 physiotherapy acts. ind. or coll. |